RannSamar Foundation is a Non-Government Organisation (NGO) dedicate to promoting social justice, women empowerment and transparency in public administration. It has a wide range of on-going social impact programs underway in Mumbai and Uttar Pradesh.
Our Founder

RannSamar Foundation is led by Smt. Abha Singh, a distinguished former bureaucrat and advocate, who serves as our President. Smt. Singh’s remarkable journey from a civil servant to a passionate advocate for justice exemplifies her dedication to societal betterment. With an M.Phil in International Relations and Human Rights from Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, and an LL.B. from Mumbai University, Smt. Singh brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to our foundation.
After leaving her government service to pursue her quest for justice, Smt. Singh now practices law at the High Court of Judicature at Bombay. Her decision to transition from civil service to law reflects her deep commitment to addressing legal and social issues head-on. Her leadership is instrumental in driving the mission and vision of RannSamar Foundation.
What do we do?

Promote Justice

Public Awareness

Uplift Oppressed
Become a Volunteer!

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